Summer Solstice, Anglesey
17th – 21st June, 2021

This retreat honours the power of the sun. This festival encourages us to celebrate the light, to enable our own light with the light of the summer to bring forth everything that is hidden to blossom. At this point in the Celtic wheel, light is triumphant, and the days have become longer than the nights. Summer pays homage to all new life, like the cultural festival of Midsummer, brings new growth bursting with life to demonstrate the exuberant power of light, creativity, and purpose.
With the summer, we find the energy and freshness in ourselves to break through any darkness and creative inactivity, and we celebrate all the abundant evidence of life’s continuation with joy.
A retreat for new beginnings, rebirth and the finding our way forward towards our destiny for the future and to plant new seeds of hope, creativity, and fertility.
Anglesey is filled with ancient sites and amazing beaches this is a week-long break much needed after the COVID crisis to heal, relax, and explore some of the most beautiful places in Wales.
The accommodation is single occupancy with house share please message us for details.