Terry O’Sullivan
Soul Rescuer, Shaman and Healer
Co-author of Ancestral Healing Made Easy for Hay House, and Soul Rescuers ( Harper Collins) with his wife Natalia. Terry is a modern day medicine man, his remarkable work has led him to widely travel Britain, Europe, USA and Southern Africa and establish satellite teams of Soul Rescuers in the UK, Australia and Southern Africa.

For over 40 years Terry has been widely sought after for his pioneering work in healing land, houses, and properties throughout the world. He uses ancient techniques with tried and tested contemporary methods of healing, dowsing and energy balancing to clear powerful negative energies and hauntings. Although Terry’s work is generally clearing and healing properties, he has a large healing practice in London and is often invited to work with clients and their families to help heal ancestral and family influences that are causing physical, emotional, and psychological problems. To liberate them from the ties of family trauma, hauntings, and difficult family relationships.
Terry O’Sullivan’s work draws on ancient traditions and wisdom, ranging from Celtic Shamanism and Native Indian rituals to the meditative disciplines of Tibetan Buddhism and Eastern mysticism. Through these disciplines Terry harmonises and clears your home and work environment and brings a new sense of balance to your life.
He is the co-author of Soul Rescuers published in 1999 by Harper Collins, with his wife Natalia, he is the co-founder of the Sacred Healer Retreats and The Soul Rescuers Foundation Course. Soul Rescuers foundation course is a professional certification training programme, which draws on ancient spiritual traditions with a contemporary approach. Trained Soul Rescue practitioners specialise in sacred and ancestral healing, spirit release and land healing.
He has widely travelled Britain and the USA and South Africa and established a satellite of professional trained teams of Soul Rescuers in the UK, Australia, and South Africa. In South Africa he was honoured by the elders of the Sangoma tradition, who are the traditional healers of South Africa, and he is now an honorary Sangoma, having recognised him as one whom their ancestors gave him the Zulu name Jabulamanzi, opener of doors.
Co-Author of:
• Ancestral Healing Made Easy
• Soul Rescuer
About Terrys Work
Terry O’Sullivan whose specialist skill is releasing earthbound spirits and ghosts from properties and places has been asked to remedy issues with properties and land for over 40 years. His specialist skills are on how to determine the reasons why an issue exists that affects the well being and safety of the home or place of business.
An inquiry may simply arise because there are issues with children being unable to sleep or complaining of a presence in their room, to extreme examples of hauntings such as physical disturbances of many kinds including problems with building works, electrical issues, floods and noises.